Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Bath Truffle Specials...

This is the LAST week to place custom orders to be ready in time for Christmas gift giving.

See our coupon to take advantage of the great specials we have going on until Christmas!

Currently ready for purchase in LIMITED quantities are:
-Tahitian Vanilla, $2 each
-Pearberry, $2 each
-Rosemary Mint, $3 each
-Lily of the Valley, $2 each
-Plumeria, $2 each
-Fragrance Free, $2 each
-Cucumber Melon, $2 each
-Lavender Grapefruit, $3 each
-Sensual, $2 each
-Dream, $2 each
-Oatmeal Milk & Honey, $2 each
-Indian Summer, $2 each

Monday, November 25, 2013

Small Business Saturday

Shop Small Business Saturday, November 30th!

PPM has Gift Certificates & Bath Truffles for sale.  Both GREAT gifts for Christmas!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Fragrance Free Bath Truffles

We now have Fragrance Free Bath Truffles for those of you with sensitive skin!  No perfumes or dyes, just all natural ingredients: Coconut oil, olive oil, baking soda, citric acid, and cornstarch.  They are just $2 each and are individually handmade.  These make GREAT gifts for you allergy suffering friends!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October Massage Special

You get ANY 60-minute massage for $60 plus a massage coupon for 50% off ANY massage. You can use this to buy gift certificates too!  Expires: October 31st, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Rosemary-Mint Bath Truffles

It's a scent everyone will LOVE, especially for the AVEDA fans out there!  Rosemary-Mint Bath Truffles are a new addition to our Bath Truffle line.  Handmade with all natural ingredients and pure essential oils.  These luxurious bath treats will sell for $3 each.  Be sure to get your order in at least two weeks before the holidays!

Fragrance Oils-$2 Each
Indian Summer (woodsy citrus)
Dream (clean and relaxing...  think ocean and sky)
Oatmeal Milk & Honey
English Violet
Tahitian Vanilla
Fig Forest (fruity perfume)
Lily of the Valley
Green Clover & Aloe (sweet grass)
Cucumber Melon
Sensual (musky patchouli)

Essential Oil Blends-$3 Each
Blends can be made by request.  Here are some of my faves:
-Lavender & Grapefruit
-Eucalyptus & Peppermint (great for when you're fighting a cold or have sore muscles)
-Rosemary-Mint (NEW scent)

Fall Newsletter-2013

Please see our Newsletter page for our new Fall Newsletter!

Please click on the photo to view a larger image.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring Newsletter 2013

We failed to get a Winter Newsletter out this year with the Valentine's Day specials but boy are we ready for Spring!  Please click on our Newsletter tab for the 2013 Spring Newsletter, specials, and Service Spotlight.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Introducing PROTANDIM by LifeVantage

• Protandim is a daily dietary supplement that combats oxidative stress through Nrf2 activation.
• Oxidative stress is inevitable for everyone.
• Protandim significantly reduces oxidative stress through Nrf2 activation.
• Nrf2 regulates survival genes.
Oxidative stress, generated through the process of living life (eating, sleeping, breathing, exercising), is inevitable for everyone, but LifeVantage has the solution: Protandim, the Nrf2 Synergizer, the most important dietary supplement of our time.

Comprised of natural plant ingredients, Protandim is a patented, science-based formula that has been researched, tested and validated by renowned universities and institutions. It is the only supplement clinically proven to reduce oxidative stress in humans by an average of 40 percent in 30 days.

Protandim activates Nrf2, which communicates with cells, instructing them to do what they're already designed to do: up-regulate "survival genes," genes that enable cells to survive in the face of stress from free radicals and other oxidants, and down-regulate other genes that promote inflammation and fibrosis to help the body function at an optimal lev

For more information please go to: mylifevantage.com/troycmonson

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Aurora Small Business Network

Pamper Party Massage is now a proud member of the newly organized Aurora Small Business Network!  Check out our profile at: aurorasbn.com